Jan 2, 2006

- Fishing License/Fisketrygd

All fishermen that are renting our pools, have to buy (for own expense) and bring the following government fishing license, for showing river-deputys at request. Please also read and follow the disinfection routines. NOTE - All persons are responsible for their travel, life and property Insurance.

All anglers who have reached the age of 18 years and intend to fish salmon, sea trout and sea char in rivers or lakes must pay a government fee. The fishing license is an annual fee and following the calendar year. It means the fee payable from 1 January will apply to 31 December. NOK 338,- fee
Click here for paying online -payable from January

Alle som har fylt 18 år og skal fiske etter laks, sjøaure og sjørøye i vassdrag, eller fiske etter nevnte arter med faststående redskap i sjøen, skal betale fiskeravgift. Fiskeravgifta betales som årsavgift og gjelder fra 01. Januar til 31. Desember. NOK 338,- 
Klikk her for betaling online....

Alle Personen ab 18 Jahren müssen zur Fischerei auf Lachs, Meerforelle und Meersaibling (anadrome Salmoniden) in Binnengewässern eine staatliche Fischereiabgabe entrichten 01. Januar - 31. Desember.  NOK 338,-  Click here for paying online -payable from January

- Fishing tourism in Norway – export quota for fish and fish products (Salmon, trout and char are not subject to the export quota) - READ HERE

- Disinfection routines:
Help us prevent the spread of serious fish diseases such as Gyrodactylus Salaris , Furunkulose, UDN etc. in Norwegian salmon rivers! All fishermen are imposed by the law to disinfect all equipment used in other rivers before they can start fishing.

§ 7 Disinfection of equipment
All equipment, including (but not restricted to) landing nets, boots and waders, boats etc used in other rivers during the present season must be disinfected before use in a different river around the Trondheim fjord. A certificate proving that this has been done must be shown when renting or buying a license. The certificate must be kept and shown at any inspections.

Price: NOK 200,- The nearest disinfection stations you find near the river in the Solbu/Øya area and near the Lodge.