The season 2009 could now be compared with season 2004. Also that season the spring got early, and a lot of the big salmons runned the river in late April early May.. as this year. There was also lack of the grilse inside the 2004 season. Total Catch Orkla ended with 17 tons/3.300 salmon, ranked as the fourth best river in Norway 2004.
The similaritys inside those seasons are many, and we paste in the conclusion from the river management after season 2004:
"Why was it taken less fish in 2004?
Spring came very early and much of the springflood was done in the last half of April and first week of May. Then the weather turned to northern winds and cold. So it continued throughout much of June and July, before it struck again. Through the season, it was not rain that affected the water level for extended periods of time. The large salmons came early, so there was little "new" fish on the river for the opening. The early fish was hard to get. After 2 weeks the mw's started to run, unfortunately it was not for more than a few short periods. That the grilse was small in both growth and few in numbers did not matter better."
There is always hope and believe in the fishermans mind, as august are known for "run of the late ones" and be prepared for the resident fish to get in mood!
-National headlines after the last 13 seasons shows the fluctuations: (Orkla in parenthesis)
2008: Rice for salmon fishing in the rivers (25,5 ton)
2007: Large decline in salmon fishing in the rivers (17,4 t)
2006: Weak decline in salmonfishing (23,3 t)
2005: Rice for salmon fishing in the rivers (26,0 t)
2004: Decline in salmon fishing in the rivers (17,0 t)
2003: Rice for salmon fishing in the rivers (31,9 t)
2002: Less salmon fishing in the rivers (35,8 t)
2001: Salmon fishing in the rivers about that last year (23,6 t)
2000: Large increase in salmon fishing in the rivers (21,9 t)
1999: Slight increase in the salmon fishing (7,7 t)
1998: Strong increase in the salmon fishing (9,5 t)
1997: Less salmon (4,0 t)
1996: Large decline in river fishing for salmon and sea trout (9,1 t)