Preregistration of salmons 2007 pr 13. august:
Total of 1768 salmons
(pr. 31.august: 2270 salmons) .
Total weight 10489,9 kilo (12956,3 kilo) and average salmon at 5,93 kilo (5,7 kilo) .
Classify: Big ones: 700 (819) Mediumweight: 703 (925) Grillse: 365 (526)
2004 end season:
Total of 1802 salmons.
Total weight 10023,2 kilo and average salmon at 5,56 kilo.
Classify: Big ones: 537 Mediumweight: 816 Grilse: 449
2004 season ended up with 17 tons at the officially* catch stats, a average season. The next season gave 25 tons catched.
*Officially stats: - LOV-1992-05-15-47 Chapter IX § 44 «Duty to report catch data»
-Published every year in January from Statistics Norway